Bog Standard Online Premier

We were thrilled to watch the superb BOG STANDARD film during its online premier on December 2nd. We joined the film crew afterwards for a lively chat on zoom.

The film is available to watch here.

Film still, Bog Standard, 2021

Bog Standard, film still, 2021

Zoom chat after the online screening, with Friends of Ardee Bog, Nuala Madigan from the Irish Peatland Conservation Council and Elena Aitova, PhD researcher NUIG (pictured above).

Here’s a message from the BOG STANDARD film team:

It has been the most amazing learning journey these last few months making Bog Standard. With early mornings and late nights, Bog Standard has come together to respond to the value of communities in peatland restoration.

In the age of climate anxiety, the opportunity to learn about an ecosystem that is fiercely resilient, rich and essential in the way we move forward together helped us establish a meaningful connection with peatlands.

The project would not have been possible without the collective effort of many different people through the year of 2021. Establishing itself within the Climate Ambassador Programme and growing to be a year of conversations with people across Ireland.

Storytelling is one of the most useful assets we have in creating change. Listening, engaging and developing a sense of ‘what could be?’ fuels our imaginations in looking for creative approaches to complex problems. Bog Standard looked to widen the conversation and capture the relationship we have to our ecosystem.

The Bog Standard

A Youth-led, Community-based Environmental Film Project

Climate Ambassadors 2021 | Aoife Anderson, Sophie O'Callaghan & Patricia Dino

085- 7723071 Dublin, Cork & Galway